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Monday, June 21, 2010

Nothing New Here

There is nothing interesting or new going on with us right now. Matt went back to work and I kept on with the routine of life. Don't get me wrong, it is a good routine. Running errands, working out, swimming, playing, hanging out with friends... I really do enjoy being a stay-at-home mom. Rachel is an excellent walker and is now doing all sorts of toddlerish things, like squatting down while playing.

She had fun with Dad's suitcase.

Sorry this picture is a little blurry. I realized after I took it that I had the camera on the wrong setting. However it doesn't seem to matter too much because she always moves right as I take the picture anyway. She is wearing a plastic necklace promoting the ironman movie (I think). We got it out of her little meal from Burger King at the airport. Kate got great enjoyment out of it then, but she is coming around to it now.

Matt and I and some friends went to a trampoline place on Friday called Boing. They played dodgeball and jumped and flipped for an hour. I will probably participate next time we go, but this time the idea of playing dodgeball with some of the guys I know did not sound appealing. And they all came away drenched in sweat. Nothing else new to report. I had a good birthday and Matt had a good Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Happened?

What was Rachel doing that made her hair go so crazy?

She got her EEG done yesterday and all of the goo they put in her hair to get the leads to stay acted like a nice hair gel to hold the curl. Fortunately, it all shampooed right out later that night. We go back this Tuesday for a follow up appointment and hopefully the last appointment with that doctor to get the results. We enjoyed our camping trip very much, especially since we had a pop-up camper this year with an AC! That is the way to go with camping at this time of year. Rachel played in the dirt a lot and I let her. After all, that is what camping is for. No pictures because I was just too busy. She will have a lot more fun next year when she can participate in some games and other things. Matt is leaving for his Kentucky missions trip on Saturday evening, so it will just be Rachel and I the next week. But don't worry, I have plenty of things to keep me busy: couponing class, reading books, playing games with Lauren, watching movies, cleaning house, shopping, parenting, mowing lawn,...the list could go on and on. Matt will have some great pictures from Kentucky and I will put those up when he gets home.