Pregnancy Ticker

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Rachel's ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is wrong with this picture?

This toy has been sitting in our hallway for months and she usually doesn't care about it. Well, she has learned to say "up" for a few things, like getting on the piano bench to play (bang on the keys) and now up to get in the exersaucer. Well, I just loaned it to the lady who will be watching Rachel two days a week so her granddaughter can play in it. I put her in it and she played happily for about 10 minutes. Silly girl!

I have been wanting to pull her hair all the way back and gave it a shot. She looked so cute, but it didn't last long.

Her first Oreo cookie! Yum!

I start back to school in a few hours and am looking forward to it. Unfortunately, it is pouring right now and I hate walking around in the rain. Such is life in Florida and I won't expect much from my hair today. That is all for this post.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This little girl has more than enough hair for me to start doing cute stuff with. The real problem is her leaving it alone. She is getting better. My friend in North Carolina (Lacie) made us some bows and they are just so cute. We went to Hannah Winter's 3rd birthday party and had a blast. I don't know why people don't like kids parties because we always have a great time!

Here is Rachel reading a new touch and feel book my Grandma brought down with her last week.
It is so cute because she grabs a book and just sits down to look at it. I often find her doing this.
Rachel now loves the gym and they have a big slide. Well, there is no keeping her off it (it is kind of too big for her). She took a tumble off it and bit her lower lip and I guess that is how she got this boo-boo under her lip. She is a champ and is pretty tough for a girl.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just A Little More Cute

This little girl has been one fun and cute thing after another lately. I couldn't have asked for a better, happier daughter. She cracks herself and me up with the things she does. Right now, her favorite game is to play "boo" and it isn't peekaboo anymore. Now she runs around and we hide from her and try to scare her. She thinks this is soooo fun. She has started hiding too and I get to find her and then say "boo." Of course, she is in love with her shoes too. She loves her own much more than ours and as soon as she thinks we are going somewhere, she is telling me "shoes." She knows exactly what bin we keep hers in and loves to pick some out (not always matching of course). She then sits down and tries to put her foot in it. In this picture below, you will notice a little purple bow in her hair. I had gotten the cutest brand new dress from a lady next door as a hand me down. I decided to put her in it and she looks so pretty in purple. I had the perfect bow to go with it and she actually let me put it in and kept it in for a few hours! The only problem is that all of her shoes have pink on them. I had recently gotten one of those awesome $10 off $10 purchases from JC Penny, so I decided I would get her some cheap white shoes. I settled on some white leatherish looking sneakers (remind me of Keds) and will be perfect for when the weather gets colder. I paid $7 for them!

Rachel was also being quite the ham today and was just being silly. She does not own a baby doll (but I do want to get her one), but loves this dog she got from her birthday named Violet. She put Violet in the shopping cart as if she were a baby and pushed her around. I have never seen her put anything in the cart before. So cute!

She is figuring out how to do more things with her kitchen, especially since she is tall enough to push the buttons on the microwave.

She is also playing with her Laugh and Learn Farm more too. I thought of it as more of a babyish toy, but she didn't play with it a lot like I had hoped. Well, now she gets lots of use from it.

She enjoys being pushed on cars, but of course, I do not have time or want to push her around all day. She does know to put her feet up to be pushed and she use her feet to go backwards. She was getting off the car and decided to do a little daredevil stand on one leg move.

By the way, I hope you like the new background to the blog and hopefully that weird box is now gone too. I don't know what happened, but I changed something on my profile and then suddenly the box appeared and the background was gone. My Mom nagged me in an e-mail to fix this, so I did and I hope you are happy with it!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Too Cool To Show Her Face

This hat is so gross because Matt or DJ wear it when they work outside. However, Rachel wanted to wear it, so I let her. It is just a little too big.

There she is!
Rachel also likes to wear sunglasses over at Hannah and Kate's house, so I thought she might like to wear some that she got for her birthday. She likes to wear them, but wants to take them off and on. She has the taking off part down, but needs my help to get them back on. Mama don't play that game. But she still looks so cute!

Her hair did not get brushed after her bath, so you can see the curls a lot more than usual.

Her is Matt trying to take a Sunday afternoon nap. Rachel was just not about it though. I did eventually take her out and shut the door so he could get some sleep.

Rachel also likes to just lay on the floor and sometimes roll around. It doesn't matter if the floor is soft or hard, but she does know when to very slowly roll her head down so it doesn't hit hard.

She has finally figured out the shopping cart. Except she can only go straight and when she runs into something, she just pushes in the other way or drags it instead of turning it around.
On an exciting note, we should start the remodel of our family room and laundry room soon! Goodbye wood paneling! That should help the look of the room out A LOT. I am very excited about this because that is the last major renovation (besides maybe the back porch someday) taking place in our house. It has come a looooooong way.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chump Change

So, if you read my blog or know me, you know that I couponing is now one of my hobbies as much as it is a necessity (saving tons of money). I was so excited when I went to Publix yesterday and walked out with over $100 worth of stuff (much of which I was going to donate) and they paid me $14.97. My mouth just kept dropping when the total went lower into the negatives. I made money on that trip to the store. I went to CVS and Walgreens today and probably got close to $70 worth of stuff for $7 and will get some of it back in rebates and rewards. I love it! If you could use some extra money in your bank account (or envelope for us Dave Ramsey followers) and tons of extra useful things around your house, you should really look into learning how to coupon. It will turn into a great game to see how much you can save. Another great benefit is the amount of things you can donate to local shelters and ministries. I have probably donated close to $500 worth of stuff in the past few months and I paid for none of it, except tax. That is awesome!