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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hats On to Rachel!

I finally have some picture to share with you. Of course, Rachel loves to be naked or near naked. I still think it is okay and cute, so I let her run around in a diaper sometimes. Usually the diaper will be removed within a few minutes though.

Rachel likes wearing these hats she got for her first birthday. She is too cute, but especially like to wear them backwards. She has trouble getting them on her head, so many times, they just sit on top of her head.

Cool stuff!
Her new bean bag chair! Mom, Lauren, and I spent the day shopping at Target on Saturday. We had some money makers and I need to buy something to absorb the overage. They didn't have a two tiered step stool like I was really looking for, so I thought that this bean bag chair would be great for her new playroom in the new house.

This morning was the first time she really stood in front of the TV engrossed. She is normally not a big TV watcher unless you put her in her high chair and feed her. She watch two Baby Einstein movies and I was busy cleaning the floors! It was great!

Since we are renting our house out to somebody soon hopefully, we decided that the door in our family room needed to be replaced. Matt talked them down at Home Depot to $100 and him and DJ installed it yesterday. Looks much better.

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