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Thursday, July 15, 2010

A New Toy!

No, this toy isn't for a Honda Odyssey. I decided that I would like to get Rachel's toys out of our room. Katie, Lauren, and I went to Ikea (for a whole 30 minutes before realizing they closed like 10 minutes after we got there) and Target, which is where I found this fabric toy box. It is so cute and was only $20.

Rachel likes to play with the water bottle after I fix her hair.
She has also learned how to look under things, like the bed or under the crack in the door. I think she was looking for her ball here. She loves to play with her ball and throw it and chase it. She can also say ball now.
She has a new favorite game of "peekaboo" and will almost smack herself while covering her eyes. She uncovers them quickly and says "boo." She has started twirling and spinning in circles as part of her dancing routine instead of the usual bouncing and head bobbing. She is too cute and getting to be so much fun!

Matt and I are leaving on Saturday night along with Katie and Josiah to go to Williamsburg, Virgina for a repeat trip of our vacation two years ago. Notice that I did not put any of our children's names on the vacation roster. Well, they are not going. Woohoo! We are going to have so much fun being children-free. Busch Gardens, Water Country, outlet malls for the girls, historic stuff for the guys, and the beach our on the agenda. We are very excited and will be gone until next Sunday night. So, I won't do a post until I get back. Have a great week and I know I will.

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