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Thursday, July 1, 2010

What a corny girl!

UPDATE: I found out yesterday that what I thought was cellulitis actually turned out to be MRSA based on my lab work. The doctor said to just make sure I finish my antibiotic. Thankfully she broadened my medicine the second time I went in to include MRSA.

I am really trying to make an effort to update the blog. There is nothing interesting happening in our lives. Rachel is getting more fun (in my opinion) and a little more obedient. She now knows the meaning of "out" and better at listening to "no." She is typically always happy and she loves to flirt with pretty much anyone at Publix. I think she loves shopping there just as much as I do!

We are currently transitioning to new renters and it seems to be going okay so far. That has been keeping Matt slightly busy and stressed the last week or so. I have been battling another case of cellulitis, but in my leg/knee this time. Months ago, I had it in my nose/face. I got on some antibiotics and things seem on the mend. I have a stuffy nose and Rachel's nose started running yesterday, but thankfully it is clear. I am putting her back on allergy medicine. She enjoys going to the gym daycare now, so I can actually work out and not have to have Matt watch her.

I was taking the sheets off our bed to wash them and she thought it was very fun to play in the pile. Her new game is peekaboo, so in one of the pictures she is covering her head.

Grandma and Grandpa Schaefer went to Epcot last Saturday and came back with a new shirt for each of the girls. The picture is glittery too and she is intrigued by it. So cute!

This past morning at Bible study, she was moved up to an older room with Hannah and Kate. They actually do crafts (or attempt) in that room and I am sure she got some help with this one.

Here comes her new favorite summertime food: CORN
Just give her a corn on the cob and it will keep her busy for a while. She eats almost everything on it too.

There is corn around her eyes because she decided it would be fun to play peekaboo and she covered her eyes. Silly girl!

On a super great couponing note: My weekly grocery trip to Publix cost me $10.59 and I saved $152.92! I am getting so good at this stuff and I am proud of it!


  1. Rachel is so big and such a cutie!! Do you use any websites for your couponing? How do you save so much?

  2. Yes, I like,, and
