Matt has been wanting some way to enclose Rachel to her playset area. We were looking at white vinyl fences on Craigslist and even used, they are so expensive. He found the fence we got for free. It needed a good pressure washing and it cleaned up so good. I wish I had before pictures because it was like brown/green. We had initially thought to paint it white, but we both kind of like the natural look, so we think we are going to keep it that for now and can paint it later if we want. I asked Rachel if she helped Daddy with the fence and she said "Yes, it's to keep me in." So true.
I finally got all of the family pictures on the wall. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted and how to arrange the frames and to find frames that I liked. I love the final product and we have one last picture to fill in. The lady that did our pictures needs to take a few of just Matt and I and we are hoping that one of those can go in the empty frame. As you can see, Rachel is getting somewhat better about posing for pictures and actually looking at the camera and smiling and holding still. Yea! Now you might just get some better pictures of her on here.
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