Pregnancy Ticker

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Rachel's ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Baby Pics!

Sorry these pictures are so small. I think if you click on them, they will enlarge. These are from our 20 week ultrasound from last Friday. The tech said everything looked good. The baby measured 11 oz and 9.6 inches long. It has been moving around a lot these days, but I am still feeling pretty good. Sometimes at night, my belly just feels really stretched out, but it could be because I have eaten too much. I have been keeping busy with redecorating the guest room, shopping, spending Sunday out with my Mom and Dad, girl's movie night, and possibly Busch Gardens later in the week. I have only talked to Matt once, so I know he got there safely, but other than that, I guess they are doing fine. The camera is still broke, so no pictures of Rachel.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What We Have Been Up To

 I am sorry for things on this blog being a little oddly placed, but I cannot figure out this new set-up. Frustrating when the arrow down key, enter, or tab doesn't move the cursor anywhere. I have my 20 week ultrasound on Friday, but we will not be finding out the sex of the baby. I have been fighting sinus/headache issues and I am ready to be feeling good. Matt is leaving on Saturday for his annual KY missions trip, so I have been planning a few things. We always stay busy while he is gone and I typically get a good amount done.

This little cutie got to ride in a convertible to church. Josiah somehow was loaned this car again and it turns out she had a really great time sticking her hands in the air. Once I heard that this was the mode of transportation, I plastered her hair with hairspray. If you noticed her red and swollen eye, she must have gotten a bug bite and she just reacts kind of bad to them. It went down within a day or two.

This is my current project. These colors are so awful, but I guess it went with the Bucs decor that used to be on the walls. I couldn't wait to paint over them. The babies' room got put on hold because Mom and Dad needed to get rid of their old bedroom furniture much quicker than I was going to have a new baby. I found a bedding set and waited not so patiently for it to arrive. It came Saturday night, so I rushed over to Home Depot to get my paint colors. Matt painted it Sunday and we moved the furniture later that evening. We still don't have a mattress, but it is on our to-do list. Matt has a lot of work left to do and I will be working on the closet while he is in KY.  I also plan on sewing some valances and making a window cushion. I will post more pictures of the room soon, but for right now, our camera shutter won't open, so the only pictures I can take are on my phone.