Rachel really liked the ocean and the waves and didn't mind too much getting the salt water on her face. Matt drug her around on the boogie board right at the water's edge and she really liked that.
I just love this picture! I feel like it totally sums up Rachel's personality and how much fun she has. Matt took this string of pictures on their Daddy-daughter date while all of the adult girls were at the day spa and outlet malls.
Our beach babe!
My prego belly at 24 weeks.
Some family pictures that my Mom took at the beach.
Reagan and Will. They look so much alike.
I got to go boogie boarding on the last day. We got out around 8:30 when there were actually some waves because of the tide. I had so much fun and finally got some exercise. It think we stayed out for a few hours.
I am not going to say too much else about the trip besides that we had a great time and enjoyed all of the family time together. I got some sun and didn't have to cook at all (thanks George)!