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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finally, time to update!

We got back from California in one piece and have recovered. Our house is a disaster, but oh well. There is always time to clean and dirty up the place again. We enjoyed our trip very much and Rachel was pretty good on the plane. She had some upset, screaming bouts, but for the most part, she was great. Matt held her the whole time and that was probably the most time she has spent with him since birth. I will not detail our trip too much since my sister already did that on her blog (and she did it so well, why waste my time redoing what she has already done) and most of my followers read hers too. I will put some pictures up though. We took a tram up a mountain, tried some off road walking with strollers (not the best idea), visited the San Diego Zoo, went to Hollywood, and hung out in the pool. One day, all of the guys and my mom went to some air museum. That did not interest Lauren and I at all and we just wanted to rest and put our babies down for their naps, so we sat in front of the TV for about 7 hours straight watching Law and Order:SVU marathon on USA. They left us watching that show and came home many hours later to find us still watching that show. It was kind of sad, but we were exhausted from the zoo trip the day before. Cable television is nice for a few weeks out of the year. Otherwise, I could do without TV. Rachel went swimming a few times and didn't seem to mind at all. I can't say she enjoyed it, but I take her not crying as a small sign of contentment. Matt had some days off after we got home so he has been working around the house on the kitchen. He stained some wood and hung much of the trim detail that has been just sitting around the house. He went with me to the eye doctor yesterday and then Rachel's doctor appointment today. It was so nice to have him along. We bought the tile for the backsplash in the kitchen. He is doing such a great job with it and it looks awesome! We made a spontaneous trip to Adventure Island today to hang out with some friends. We were there for about 3 hours before we decided that we all needed a break from the sun. He has to go back to work tomorrow, but I have enjoyed the time with him and I know he has loved being around Rachel more. I have a small training on Friday for my new job. I think this will turn out to be such an easy and enjoyable gig once I figure out everything. So, we saw the pediatrician today for Rachel's 4 month checkup. Here are her stats:

weight: 15 pounds 5 ounces (90th percentile)

height: 24.75 inches (75th percentile)
head circumference: 16 inches (50th percentile)

She has a small stuffy nose which she got from Hannah and Kate (which I am now going to just refer to them as "The Cousins"), but is otherwise healthy and growing wonderfully. I am going to wait to start her on any solids because I like to keep things simple and she just doesn't need them. It is only more things for her to get on her hands, in her hair, and spit up all over everything. Matt was able to get some giggles out of her by kissing her stomach a bunch. I got some of it on video and hopefully it will load okay. She has a deep laugh so it sounds kind of strange, but still music to my ears. Here are the pictures.
On Venice Beach in LA
An African elephant

Just got done eating!

Happy at the zoo

"The Cousins" Kate is knocking on Hannah's head.

Michael and Matt trying to figure out where the heck to go first.

Rachel spent most of the time in her stroller. I love that thing.

Our view on a walk we took in the neighborhood.

Rachel is watching TV.

Quality time with Daddy.

She still spends a lot of time doing this.

At the lookout on the moutain.

On the tail end of the off road walk.

That little blur in the picture is a hummingbird.

I hope this video works.


  1. Rachel's giggles are precious! Grandma S.

  2. What a sweet little chunker you have there!
