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Friday, October 16, 2009

New Stuff!

Not a whole lot that is new since the last post. Cousins Hannah and Kate are currently sick and I am just waiting for Rachel to show the symptoms since they are around each other a lot and play with the same toys. For now though, she is perfectly normal. She got baby yogurt today and really liked it. A few days ago, I tried giving her the dissolvable puffs and when I put them in her mouth, she looked at me like I was nuts. I don't think she is a fan yet, but this girl loves to eat, so I expect her to like them soon enough. On Wednesday, I got a new haircut and color. Yes, me, miss cheapo paid someone to color my hair. I know, I will have to pay her again in a few months to touch it up, but I love it! I couldn't get any good pictures of it since Matt is never home and Rachel hasn't quite figured out how to work the camera yet. It is short. The front is just under my chin and then it gets shorter as it goes back. She put caramel colored highlites in. Nothing too flashy because we all know I am not flashy. It is really easy to style and no more ponytails for me! Speaking of flashy, here are some pictures of Rachel flashing you a pretty smile!

She has gotten really good at sitting as long as there is a toy to entertain her. The leap frog table was loaned to me and Rachel really likes it. Once she gets into the standing phase, there are legs I can snap on. She is such a big girl!

Can you see her teeth?! There are two in the middle. Doesn't seem to bother her a bit.

Rachel finally realized that she could sit up and lean forward a little in her high chair and she could then reach the spinning part of the toy. This also poses a small problem when she decides to lurch forward while I am feeding her. She has been hit in between the eyes, up the nose, and on the cheek.

I have mentioned how much she loves her sippy cup. Isn't this such a great shot? I didn't pose the cup so you could see her name. It just worked out that way. If I put it on the high chair, she can usually get it to her mouth all by herself. Most of the time she does it one-handed too. She likes water a lot.


  1. So cute! Hope that you don't get sick, too, Baby Rachel! We want you to come over and play soon.

  2. It is so fun to watch her growing! I love her two cute little teeth. So sweet.
    That's awesome that she likes the sippy cup! Ella was like that and it made it so easy to wean her from the bottle! :-)
