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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It has been awhile

So, the huge garage sale was lame and I got a whopping total of five items. One of those was a high chair for my parents, one was a pack-n-play for Matt's parent's house (they are moving down this month) and the other three items were for us. One was a cute dress from Baby Gap with apples on it. Another was a very small toy that would be good to put in her diaper bag. The last toy is the one in this picture below, which I really like except there is no on/off switch. It is great for her to sit with and has lots of things to do.

At church, we are having our annual Global Outreach Celebration, which is where a bunch of missionaries come in from all over the world and talk about what is going on. That is always a busy week for us because our Sunday school class is assigned a missionary and we do things with them throughout the week. Tonight we are having a bonfire and just hanging out. No, it is not bonfire weather at all, but if we waited for that, it might come around in February. Ugh.

Rachel and I are going to Orlando with Katie tomorrow. We are leaving her two girls with her husband and we are hitting the outlet malls since we didn't find anything good at the garage sales. There is also a big consignment store convention thing that we are looking into this weekend. Matt will be driving over after work and all 7 of us (8 if you count their unborn baby) will hang out and possibly make it to Downtown Disney this time around. If you recall and probably don't, last time we tried this, I got puked on, we all got rained on, and the guys went out and had fun while Katie and I ate Oreos and watched a chic flic. I have to get ready for school now, which is halfway over already, so enjoy the pictures!

If you just want a good laugh...not a good picture, but funny.Okay, take two on that pose

We signed up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library when she was first born. There are only two requirements and they send you a children's book for free every month until they are 5 years old. This is one of them.

She got a teething biscuit for the first time a few days ago and devoured it. This was after her nursing and eating solids. It was no wonder she was hungry the next feeding time.My stickly little mess to clean up.

Rachel now finds her reflection somewhat entertaining.

Rachel's thoughts: "I am so stinkin cute! I could totally be a baby model! Why haven't I gotten my pictures professionally taken yet?"

1 comment:

  1. My little Rhine granddaughter is so adorable! She also has two adorable Lantz cousins that are my granddaughters. I am so blessed.

    Grandpa S.
