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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Catch Up!

We have been busy and I have been loving the beautiful and finally warm weather so I have been working out in the yard instead of updating my blog. The weather has really put me in the gardening mood, but I don't want to buy any new plants yet, so I will settle for pulling weeds and spraying stuff. Maybe I will even start getting a tan.

Rachel first started playing with this toy at a friend's house. I decided to get her one for our fridge, so I spent the money and she loves to play with it. Of course, she just takes all the pieces off and scatters them, but I don't mind picking them up (for now).

Rachel is looking rather fresh and clean after her really messy lunch and a bath. She is wearing an outfit that her soon to be aunt Sara gave her for Christmas. 18 month clothes are starting to fit her well. The 12 month stuff is getting packed away.
Going after the camera.

These two pictures are from yesterday when she was at the whiniest I think I have ever encountered. Seriously, all she did was whine and cry. It was really pathetic and I realized that maybe she was sick. Well, she was and I felt really bad afterward. She had a 101.6 degree fever and some Tylenol made her feel better. I cuddled and rocked her and she was so sweet. I actually almost rocked her to sleep. She would never do that normally (thankfully)

Those poor pajamas got worn to two days in a row. They are finally getting washed.
Looking cool in the shades.
Mesmerized by Baby Einstein. Snack time favorite.

I also put together this car for her that doubles as a walker. She got it for Christmas and decided to get it out.
Checking out her new wheels.

She would still much rather crawl than practice with a walker. I did get her to stand by herself for a few seconds.

Dad in charge of her hair before church. Eek!

We did a few baby proofing things in the house. I decided I really didn't want to move some cleaners and such, so I bought one of these for the cabinet under the sink. We moved her baby gate from her room to the entrance to the family room. I also got a pack of outlet covers, but that is about it.

We are still working on the house next door, but progress is being made. This Sunday is tree cutting/burning day. The huge hole in the ground is just waiting for a fire to be lit. Matt has only a few more days on the Verizon event team and then he will be going back to his normal M-F 7:00 to 3:30 schedule. We both cannot wait to have a normal life and routine again. My spring break is coming up in a few weeks. It will be so nice to have my days completely free for one

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