I took Rachel back to the doctor on Tuesday for green snot issue. We got another shot (same one she got in the hospital) and was put on a Z-pack for kids. Thankfully it is only for five days, so her butt won't suffer too long. If this doesn't work, we have to see an ENT. It does seem to be getting better though, so we hope we won't have to see any more doctors for awhile. Rachel is doing awesome with walking. If it is within a few steps, she will just walk over to it. She has taken about 10 so far, but that is walking between two people. I expect within a few weeks, she will be walking everywhere. I bought her these cute little light-up sandals from Target that I cannot wait to get her in when she walks!
Matt is doing well and so am I. Rachel and I will be leaving tomorrow for St. Louis for a week, so you won't see anything sooner (not that I usually post more than once a week).
If you saw on Lauren's blog about her couponing excitement, you should really find a class and learn how to make the most of coupons in your area! I love it too! I went to Publix and spent $54 and $50 of that was a gift card for gas. I saved $75 and I am having Matt do his part while I am gone and clipping some coupons on things that I bought but know they will have a coupon for in this Sunday's paper. He can just take them back in the receipt and they will give the money for the coupon.
Okay, a couple of clarifications needed here: #1-I so did not ride that ride by myself. You can see Kate over my shoulder. #2-That was you and Rachel in the picture that you said was me. That's all. Love you, little sis!