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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just an Update

There is really nothing new going on with this household. I am trying to balance my time between school (only four weeks left!) and running (which seems to take up a lot of time) and of course Rachel. I am really slacking with school because I can. I don't know what their grades are and I am always tell them to let me know if they want know their grades, but no one does, so I don't figure them until about two weeks before the final. Katie and I are running more these days. Between the four days we run, we put in about 16-18 miles per week. Soon, it will be going up. We have our 10k on Thanksgiving morning. It is a good thing I can do my baking the night before because I am going to be really tired after driving to Clearwater so early in the morning, running 6.2 miles and then driving back. Can we say NAP! Good thing I won't be doing my normal Publix shopping that day. Matt is doing fine, but he is on the hunt for another house to buy. The one that they were supposed to buy had extra leaks and mold, so the deal is off.

Rachel is healthy (praise God!) and a handful! She associates the bed with Daddy (I wonder why...) and loves to climb on the bed and jump. Anything daredevilish she pretty much likes. This girl has no fear. We have been going to the park a little more lately and she is now playing on the bigger playground with bigger slides and stairs/ladders to climb. She loves it. Blocks are a new favorite toy and the shape sorter is always a big hit with her. Of course, she still loves books and stuffed animals. She likes pushing her truck, tractor, and race car on the floor and making a vroom noise. She is on one nap a day finally with the exception of Tuesday and Thursday. I love it because she usually takes at least a 2 hour nap and has slept up to almost 4 hours before. Here are some pictures, although they are not great because I have mostly just not remembered to take pictures.

Rachel likes to take off and put on clothes. I have caught her taking her shirt off while sitting in the Publix shopping cart. She is always up for taking whatever clothes are in the laundry basket and trying to dress herself. Silly girl.

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