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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Victory!

Matt and DJ worked very hard yesterday putting up the backerboard and drywall in the bathroom. It looks so much more finished when you cannot see insulation in the walls. I spent the entire day (about 12-13 hours) doing our closet. There was only one shelf all the way around. Since the closet isn't that big, I wanted to make the most of the space. I thought about it for a while, got some ideas from the internet, started making my lines for the drawer unit and then of course, changed my mind. I really like the way it turned out and I only needed help on a little bit of it. So, I could claim this project as mine. I am getting much better with a drill. I plant on tackling our linen closet next to move the shelves closer together and add one or two.

The left side of the closet

The shoe rack
The right side. Ignore all of the wires. Ugh (I think they are for the alarm system)

So, what did Rachel do all day? She has been so good lately when I have been doing projects. Our DVR is not working right, so we cannot access On Demand to get Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and our Dora movie has mysteriously gone missing. We don't have a VHS anymore, so the only kids DVD we have is a Baby Einstein on shapes, which she likes. She watches that once or twice a day and then has been so good about playing in her playroom or she will come upstairs and watch us work. She likes to play with the flashlight and look at all of the tools laying around. I love her!

We had a great July 4th at some friend's house. They got a bounce house and did fireworks. Rachel had a so much fun, but was a little scared of the loudness that came with fireworks. She loved the colors and kept saying "colors, come out" We stayed until about 10 pm and she did whine or cry once.

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