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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On the Mend

Rachel and I have been varying degrees of sick over the past 5 days. We spent 3 hours at her doctor's office Wednesday morning with all the fun of ear cleanings, finger stick, getting bagged for urine, and then a catheter for more urine all while having a fever and sore throat. Her strep test came back clean and was put on antibiotics for 10 days. She lost the fever after a day or so, but of course, was still whiny, clingy, and just pathetic. She didn't sleep well at night and after two days, I felt like I was coming down the same thing. We had a garage sale planned for Saturday morning and I made it through that while feeling like crap. I came home and took a nap and then headed to the walk-in-clinic to be told my strep test was clean and was put on the same antibiotic as Rachel. Mine seems to be lasting a little longer than hers because my sinuses are being icky too. Over the last two days, Rachel has taken quite an interest in going on the potty. Hannah and Kate and potty training and Rachel is taking her cue from them. She tells me many times that she needs to go and actually does. She also tries just to get candy. She cannot hold it yet during her nap or at night, but does a pretty good job during the day. Wiping and flushing are also a great incentive for her. I would be so happy to have her potty trained (except at night) soon! I had a late night and not enough rest for the Nyquil I took, so I am off.

Helping me get the clothes from the dryer. She wet the bed somehow last night. I think she might have woken up and needed to go potty, but took her diaper off and somehow put it back on too. Who knows, but I did not like having to change her sheets in the middle of the night and then listen to her scream for about 30 minutes or so afterward. She earned a few spankings from Matt last night.

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