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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

9 months old today!

Rachel is 9 months old and I cannot believe how fast the time flies. I see more and more of a toddler in her, except for the fact that she cannot move. I had a dream last night that I put her on the floor and she crawled perfectly to a toy. Then she stood up and walked great too! If you know Rachel and her slowness to move, you are having a good laugh right now. We go for her 9 month checkup this Tuesday. All is well with her. I have stopped breastfeeding since all of those teeth are hurting me. I have adopted Lauren's method of feeding, so the breastpump is getting more use than ever. I have plently of frozen milk, so I haven't had to buy anything yet. I also started adding 1 tablespoon of whole milk to her bottle. She seems to be doing fine with it. I am hoping that by the time the breastmilk runs out, she will be ready to be on cow's milk completely. No expensive formula for me to buy. She is talking a lot more and likes to escalate her babbling to an almost scream at the end. She does it over and over again. She has learn how to play little games. For example, at Matt's parent's house, we would sit her up on the bed. She would immediately stiffen up and fall backwards. Like 20 times in a row. We all had a good laugh.

I am starting class on Tuesday. The only preparation I need to do is copy someone's online class, enter in homework due dates, and do some planning for the first few sections. Should take maybe one hour. The good thing is that I will be teaching the same class back to back so no extra planning, but twice the paycheck! Matt and Josiah are doing their annual Christmas tree burning this Saturday. I am not quite sure what they have planned, but know they have a lot of trees. I will be sure to bring the camera and get some pictures and maybe video next week.

Another change in our household is that we are down one member. Our faithful and loyal dog, Mika, was put on Craig's list a few weeks ago. I thought it was going to take awhile to find her a new home, but the inquiries kept coming. She is a great dog, but too much for me to clean up after. Also, we aren't home a lot and she needs to get exercise and attention. After visiting a few homes that we didn't feel comfortable with, we found her a great home in St. Petersburg. We are very happy with her new owners. Matt even bought them each a McDonald's hamburger on the way over to eat together. I did shed a tear, which shows you I loved her, but I had had enough of the mess she made and care she required.

I don't have too many pictures...I have been slacking in that department.

Her signature "curl" is getting ridiculously long. I am about to starting pulling it back with a ponytail holder.

Her new laptop and keys

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you do not cut the curl! I Love it!

    Happy 9 mo Rachel!
