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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happenings around here

We started off last weekend with a get together with our Sunday School class. We had about 5 families come and had a great time. Later in the afternoon, Matt and Josiah got together to cut down some limbs. Most of our trees are really tall and so Matt is pretty high up in both of these pictures. He came out unscathed, however, we did have a mishap with a smaller limb he cut down over the playset. It landed on the beam that holds the swings. Thankfully, the swingset is very sturdy and the only thing it did was dent the wood a little bit and take off some stain. So, he sanded and restained it. It also took out one small panel of the little fence, which he will be fixing soon too.

A high point in Rachel's week was getting to ride a horse. Matt took her to Bob's house on Tuesday while I was at school and she got to ride a horse, pet some chickens, and a South American raccoon. The chickens, especially the rooster are very nice, and she loves chickens. It looks like she found some eggs too. The tortoise was burrowed underground so she didn't get to see that. Looks like they had a great time!

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