We went to St. Pete beach on Saturday around 5:00 and stayed until about 9:30. Some friends from church went and we had a great time. As Floridians, you definitely have to make it a point to go to the beach because usually people just don't have time. We really enjoy going with friends and as Rachel gets older, hopefully she will learn to play around a little bit. She was very good and went in the water for about 30 minutes. We were out about 20 feet or so and the waves weren't very high. It was hot and I know she was too so I thought the water would be good for us. Her Aunt Suzanne had brought down a bathing suit for her, which is a 6-9 month size, but fit her perfectly and it just so cute! She was very content being held while in the water. Didn't smile or cry, just content. It was great for the spit up though because I just used the ocean to clean her off. We ate at a nearby restaurant and then got some ice cream. In our family picture, I look kind of pregnant but I think that is because a) I haven't lost all of my baby weight and b) I just ate a lot of food. We also started Vacation Bible School at church this week. Lauren and I are helping in a younger one year old class. We have about 10 kids and they wipe me out about two-thirds of the way in. I come home and take a nap and Rachel sleeps really good too. Matt is still doing good. He got a four day weekend and got some much need rest. However, he really wants to work a lot this week so we can pay off some car loans and other debt. We were able to pay off one loan this week and that was really exciting for us! Rachel is not really doing anything new. She is just a happy little cutie! I do have a lot of pictures to make up for the last few posts.
Rachel likes her Bumbo seat a lot. I am glad because it is one more toy that she can play in.
As always...what a cutie!