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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All about food!

Rachel loves to eat! She is getting better at picking up and sometimes getting food to her mouth. I realized that I had been cutting the pieces too small for her to pick up. So, I started making sticks/strips with foods (if possible) and she was able to pick those up and mash them up in her mouth. She had waffle strips for breakfast (no syrup, what a mess) and as you can see from the pictures and video, noodles with spinach for lunch. The last two are from today and she was eating chicken alfredo.

Cheerios still don't really make it to her mouth, but I am hoping within a month, she will be feeding herself. As far as crawling goes, that doesn't exist in her mind. When on her belly, she reaches for toys and things she wants and seems like she wants to get to them, but has no idea how to move. Sometimes she will scoot herself backwards, which of course only puts more distance between her and the desired object. Honestly, I like her immobile. If you haven't seen these pictures from Lauren's blog, they are of all three girls watching baby einstein before bed. It was too cute!

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