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Monday, February 15, 2010

Rachel has graduated!

This little girl has gotten sick. Not as bad as Hannah and Kate, but the nasty cough and green snotty nose. She is still happy and of course, does not want to cuddle at all unless she is drinking her bottle. I took her to the doctor this morning and she said her lungs sound clear. She wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic that I could fill if her snot stays green for 5 days. So, we will see if she needs her first dose of medicine or not. This keeps me out of the gym unless I can find someone to watch her. Lauren got her yesterday morning so I could volunteer for preschool ministry at church that we were both supposed to be at. I got a friend to help me and it was a pretty easy morning with 6 two year olds. Rachel is still not crawling, but she does try to crawl over your legs if they are in the way and is playing on her knees more. She still loves standing by her swing and can now play with the toy I keep in it. She has figured out where to push to make the music turn on.

This is her Valentine's Day outfit from my Mom. It is so cute and slightly tight, espeically around her diaper and thighs. Hopefully we can get a few more wears out of it before we pack it away.

Who loves hugs? I do!
She also enjoys emptying out her toy basket and playing with it. So, I decided to put her in it.

Playing on her laptop.
She has graduated from her infant carrier to a big girl carseat! The infant carrier was sooooo heavy and she was at its limits with height and close to with weight. It only goes up to 30 inches and 22 pounds. She was 29 inches 5 weeks ago, so I am pretty sure she is at least 30 now. She was 21 pounds 10.4 oz at the doctors this morning. I love the pattern for the carseat cover and I think it actually takes up less room than the other one. We couldn't recline our seats but maybe an inch and there looks like there will be a little more room. Either way, the corolla has little room to offer regardless.

We visited Matt at the State Fair on Saturday and Sunday. Jill went with me and we got in for free because Matt was given two sponsor passes to use for the entire fair. That was the first time I had really gone and had a good time. It was a little chilly, but Rachel was a champ and we saw some baby goats, pigs, cows and other stuff. I did not eat any fair food, but it all smelled really good. If I had to eat one thing, I kind of wanted to try the fried oreo. The fair is ending today, so Matt should hopefully not have to work as much until the Strawberry festival. On a great note...after getting our tax return back and his next paycheck, we should have our 3-6 months emergency fund complete! If you have read any Dave Ramsey, you will know what I am talking about. The house is coming along next door. The drywall people have been working the past two days and I don't know if they are done or not. We do have our first renter, but it will not be anything long term. It is family and he is just staying there while he looks for a house to buy. But, no complaints because it will pay the mortgage on the house and then some for a few months.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel is just so darn cute! Yay, for big girl car seats. I love the pattern. I can't believe she is 21 lbs. already. I guess Hannah is somewhat catching up to her. She just needs to start moving and some of that chunk will come off or at least slow down.
