This past week, Rachel has changed so much. I am really seeing the big girl in her, well as much as a big girl as she can be at 10 months. She did turn 10 months on Saturday, which was an interesting day altogether. Lauren and I had our second garage sale and it was great! With both sales combinen, I made about $90 and got rid of so much crap. Yea! Besides, I enjoyed hanging out with other women on those Saturdays. We managed to watch all three girls by ourselves and have the garage sale at the same time. That was not an easy task because we were pretty busy for 4 hours straight as far as people go.
Rachel learned how to clap, but she doesn't do it at the appropriate time yet. You usually have to show her how to clap and then she will do it afterwards. She seems very proud of herself, but has trouble remembering how to do it or is just being lazy. She can also wave somewhat too. On Sunday, I found her standing in her crib. I was shocked and slightly nervous because we still hadn't lowered her crib from when she was a newborn. There was no reason because she couldn't move. Matt and DJ lowered it that day. She has become quite capable of getting around, but not in the typical crawling mode. She rolls and really trys to crawl. She will go from sitting to the crawling position. I have seen her sit and then go into the crawling position, then sit and then to crawling position. By doing this, she slowly makes her way forward, which is more than she can do on her belly. Who knows if she will ever do a normal crawl. She is pulling up more, but still has some problems. She can getting into a sitting position from laying on the floor. Needless to say, she is all over the place and enjoys moving around in her crib much more than sleeping for her naps. AHHHH... I can hear her right now making noise. Because of this, she is always getting limbs stuck in the crib slats. I am almost tempted to put the bumper pads back on. I had been having her sleep in the pack n play so she can't get stuck. I hope she gets over this soon. She is pretty much on complete whole milk bottles. I know most people don't switch until a year, but I have made up my mind on this and have slowly introduced the whole milk in and she is doing great with it. Last night, she had an entire whole milk bottle and did fine. I have about 10 oz of breastmilk left that I will keep mixing in, but after that, we are on normal cow's milk. I am giving her vitamins and making sure she is still eating foods with iron and fat in it. This little girl ate a Nutri Grain bar, 5 bits of pancake and about 4-5 oz of oatmeal and applesauce mixed for breakfast one morning along with 6 oz of milk. She has an appetite. I hope she has her Daddy's metabolism later in life.
Where is Rachel in this picture? One of two places: either I put her to bed and this is the aftermath of her playtime or she managed to get herself over by Matt's dresser, which is off to the left in the picture.
She enjoys brushing her teeth. I brush for about 30-45 seconds and then let her chew on the toothbrush. She really enjoys trying to suck the fruity toothpaste off the second I put the toothbrush in her mouth.The blur she is holding is the toothpaste tube.
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