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Monday, August 9, 2010

Too Cool To Show Her Face

This hat is so gross because Matt or DJ wear it when they work outside. However, Rachel wanted to wear it, so I let her. It is just a little too big.

There she is!
Rachel also likes to wear sunglasses over at Hannah and Kate's house, so I thought she might like to wear some that she got for her birthday. She likes to wear them, but wants to take them off and on. She has the taking off part down, but needs my help to get them back on. Mama don't play that game. But she still looks so cute!

Her hair did not get brushed after her bath, so you can see the curls a lot more than usual.

Her is Matt trying to take a Sunday afternoon nap. Rachel was just not about it though. I did eventually take her out and shut the door so he could get some sleep.

Rachel also likes to just lay on the floor and sometimes roll around. It doesn't matter if the floor is soft or hard, but she does know when to very slowly roll her head down so it doesn't hit hard.

She has finally figured out the shopping cart. Except she can only go straight and when she runs into something, she just pushes in the other way or drags it instead of turning it around.
On an exciting note, we should start the remodel of our family room and laundry room soon! Goodbye wood paneling! That should help the look of the room out A LOT. I am very excited about this because that is the last major renovation (besides maybe the back porch someday) taking place in our house. It has come a looooooong way.

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