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Saturday, October 2, 2010

18 months in a few days!

This girl will turn 18 months old on October 6th and I just can't believe it. Although she does act like an 18 month old (fits, climbing, saying no...) I still love her and think she is a good little girl!

She has really figured out to get rocking on this horse and loves it!

She has also really started liking her flip-flops even though she hardly ever gets to wear them. She still takes off her shoes and the flip-flops are just a little more unstable than the rest. She loves to chew on them though and they actually have some teeth marks.

I was wearing my glasses one morning and she wanted to try them on too. I let her and she actually smiled for a picture!
We are working a little more with her feeding herself with a spoon. We did yogurt today and she did well, but still makes a huge mess. We saw an allergist this past week because her pediatrician thinks she is on antibiotics too much. So, we are trying to figure out if Daddy passed on his allergies to her or what. He said she has large tonsils, but they are not inflamed or infected. So, he is thinking she might also have large adenoids. We are trying to keep those from getting inflamed by using a nose spray for 6 weeks. She is also supposed to get some blood drawn to check her immune system and for some common allergies. We will know more in about 6 weeks. However, she is not sick at the moment! We have been busy with Hannah and Kate this week (helping out Lauren when we can) and I have been busy with running.

Katie and I decided that we had so much fun last weekend at our 5K that we wanted to run the Disney Princess half marathon in February. So, we started our training schedule this week (week 1 out of 22). We also thought it would be fun to make a little mini vacation out of it and use our timeshare to hang out in Orlando for a few days before the race and a day or two after. It is on a Sunday morning. Anyways, we ran 3 miles 3 times this week and then today, we ran 4 miles. I did it in 41 minutes! It felt really good to run 4 miles without stopping. I am proud of us! We are running a 10k on Thanksgiving Day over in Clearwater. We are supposed to be running 8 miles that week for our long run, so we figure 6.2 shouldn't be so bad.

I am currently filling out our passport applications in hopes of going on an Eastern Caribbean cruise during my spring break. Carnival had pretty good prices and we have been really wanting to go on one for many years. I figure if we have the passport already, we cannot make excuses to not go out of the country.

Matt is doing well and from the sounds of it today, we are owners of yet another home. This one is in Riverview (just a little south of Brandon). The house looks great from the outside, but needs major cosmetic work on the inside. Think kids, crayons, exploding soda can, and tons of dirt. Nothing he can't handle!

School is going well and I do actually have some tests to grade. Between running and those long school days, I am sleeping great at night these days. Maybe I had too much energy before because I would find myself wide awake at 3am for like an hour. Ugh. Not anymore.
The weather is cooling down in the morning and at night. We are thinking bonfire weather in the near future. I am looking forward to it and winter break!

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