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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Updates on the Home Front

We are having some progress on a few things. First off, I am doing much better than I was at the last post. I got some good pain medicine, which I was taking religiously for the first few days, but I have stopped them. I can move pretty well and go up the stairs fine, but anything that uses my stomach muscles hurts. I am eager to get back to the gym, but that won't happen for at least a month. I go back to the doctor a week from today for them to check the incisions. I had some help for the first week with Rachel, but now I have her during the day by myself. We have figured out a way for her to climb into her pack n play by herself, so I don't have to lift her. We just bum around the house all day and watch way more TV than usual.

Matt has started work in our master bathroom. Here are some before/demolition pictures. The last picture shows a lot of stuff sitting in our bedroom waiting to be installed by Matt. I am excited!

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