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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"O Christmas Tree"

Well, the Christmas tree is up and Matt actually helped me with it. That is amazing enough in itself because he really dislikes the tradition of a Christmas tree. I understand, but I knew that Rachel would really enjoy it. I have very few decorations and the tree is not that big and when you only have to decorate half of it, 10 minutes is about all it took us. Rachel has managed to already break on of the stocking holders, but thankfully it didn't shatter, but just a hand fell off. I cannot find it. I am working with her on "one finger touch" so she can touch things, but not pull them off and break them. She walked up to the tree and said "wow" and then reached for it and said "no no" a lot and over and over again. I also have a Veggie Tales nativity scene that sings when you push a button. It is "O Little Town of Bethlehem" in an awful veggie voice, but she loves it.

I taught her who Ernie is.

I cannot believe that her hair goes back into a ponytail better than mine does. It is getting so long, but everyone loves it.

Matt got some stuff for his fish tank in today, so we now have the sand and rock at the bottom and water. We are working on getting the right salinity level and hopefully on Friday, we will go buy our first fish. Probably going to be a clown fish (Nemo). Apparently, they are pretty durable. Rachel loves fish and really enjoyed going into the pet stores and watching the rodents, birds, and fish. She even notices our beta fish, Mr. Henry Robert, on the windowsill as she washed her hands. I will post some pictures soon of the tank. I have 3 more classes left at HCC until my 5 week break!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Christmas tree! Hey, I have plenty of extra stocking holders because we have nothing to put our stocking holders on. I had to put nails in the wall to hang them. If you need to borrow one, let me know.
